Evolving Work Dynamics: Three Key Priorities for Future-Proofing the Workplace

Professional dynamics are constantly shifting, meaning the need to anticipate and adapt has never been more critical. Our latest article explores the three pivotal priorities shaping the professional landscape, from the embrace of hybrid models to the transformative power of generative AI. Discover the essence of future-proofing your workplace and stay ahead in the dynamic realm of work. Read on for a comprehensive insight into the leadership insights, future of work trends, and the strategic thinking required to thrive in the evolving professional landscape.

Embracing Hybrid Models: A Paradigm Shift in Work Dynamics

In the post-COVID professional landscape, embracing hybrid models emerges as a central focus. The conventional office-centric structure is transforming into a more flexible, adaptive model that seamlessly integrates both remote and in-person work. This paradigm shift ensures a harmonious blend where professionals can operate where they are most productive.

Expanding on this priority, organisations are increasingly recognising the significance of providing employees with the flexibility to choose their work environment. The emphasis is not only on accommodating diverse work styles but also on leveraging technology to foster collaboration and connectivity. Tools like video conferencing, project management software, and virtual collaboration platforms are becoming integral to maintaining a cohesive work culture despite physical distance.

As businesses navigate this shift, it becomes crucial to implement robust policies and technologies that support effective communication and collaboration in a hybrid setting. Moreover, fostering a culture of trust and accountability is essential to ensure that teams remain cohesive and engaged, regardless of their physical location.

The Impact of Generative AI: Reshaping Workflows and Possibilities

The advent of generative AI technologies like ChatGPT, Copilot, and AlphaCode represent a transformative force reshaping the professional landscape. The second critical priority revolves around comprehending and harnessing the impact of AI on workflows and possibilities. With generative AI expected to gain a ~30% share in the overall AI Market by 2025, integrating generative AI is pivotal for maintaining competitiveness in the evolving work environment.

Organisations need to invest in upskilling their workforce to navigate the integration of AI seamlessly. This involves providing training programs and resources to empower employees to work collaboratively with AI systems. Additionally, companies must carefully evaluate ethical considerations and ensure that the implementation of AI aligns with their values and principles.

As generative AI continues to evolve, staying informed about the latest advancements and possibilities is key. Embracing a culture of innovation and experimentation can help organisations stay at the forefront of technological developments, unlocking new avenues for efficiency and creativity.

Future-Proofing Your Workplace: A Strategic Imperative

With over 85% of organisations identifying increased adoption of new and frontier technologies as a trend most likely to drive transformation in their organisation, strategic thinking and long-term planning are vital components to ensure the resilience and sustainability of any professional environment. This encompasses not only embracing current trends but also anticipating and preparing for future shifts in the ever-changing work landscape.

To elaborate on this priority, organisations must foster a culture of adaptability and continuous learning. This involves encouraging employees to stay abreast of industry trends, acquire new skills, and embrace a mindset of lifelong learning. Creating a flexible organisational structure that can quickly adapt to technological advancements and market changes is essential for long-term success.

In conclusion, embracing hybrid models, understanding the impact of generative AI, and adopting a strategic approach to future-proofing are the three crucial priorities that define the future of work. Stay ahead by navigating these changes with foresight and adaptability.

Elevating Efficiency: Mastering IT Service Management in 5 Simple Steps

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, mastering IT Service Management (ITSM) is no longer an option but a necessity. Enhancing efficiency through streamlined IT processes empowers businesses to thrive in a highly competitive environment. The journey to optimising ITSM involves five simple yet powerful steps that significantly impact organisational performance.

Step 1: Embrace Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is the cornerstone of efficient ITSM. By aligning IT goals with broader business objectives, organisations pave the way for synchronised and purpose-driven actions. This step involves comprehensive assessment, goal-setting, and a robust roadmap that ensures every IT action resonates with the company’s overarching strategies.

Step 2: Implement Agile Methodologies

Agility is the essence of successful IT Service Management. Embracing agile methodologies ensures flexibility and adaptability in a constantly evolving technological landscape. This step involves adopting iterative approaches, empowering teams to respond promptly to changes, thereby enhancing responsiveness and efficiency.

Step 3: Automate, Innovate, and Simplify

Automation and innovation are the catalysts for elevated efficiency in ITSM. Embracing cutting-edge technologies, automating routine tasks, and simplifying complex processes can streamline operations, reducing manual efforts, and enabling resources to focus on more strategic initiatives.

Step 4: Cultivate a Culture of Collaboration

A collaborative environment is the breeding ground for successful ITSM. Encouraging cross-departmental collaboration and breaking down silos fosters synergy, enabling collective problem-solving and leveraging collective expertise. This step ensures a harmonious integration of efforts, leading to heightened efficiency.

Step 5: Continual Monitoring and Improvement

The journey towards mastering ITSM is an ongoing process. Continual monitoring, analysis, and fine-tuning of processes are crucial. By gathering insights from performance metrics, organisations can identify areas for improvement, ensuring a constant evolution toward enhanced efficiency.

In conclusion, mastering IT Service Management is a strategic move that unlocks the potential for businesses to operate at peak efficiency. By following these five simple yet impactful steps, organisations can navigate the complexities of ITSM and harness its power to drive success in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Need a hand mastering IT Service Management within your organisation? Drop us a line.

Enhancing Cybersecurity: Unveiling the Latest Australian Essential Eight Maturity Model Iteration

In the fast-evolving realm of cybersecurity, the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) takes a proactive stance with significant updates to its Essential Eight Maturity Model. These enhancements aim to bolster the cybersecurity postures of organisations, reflecting the ever-changing threat landscape.

Patching Prioritisation: A Race Against Vulnerabilities

ASD’s commitment shines through in the intensified focus on patching critical vulnerabilities within a swift 48-hour timeframe. From Maturity Level One to Maturity Level Three, organisations are now mandated to address high-priority scenarios promptly. This includes a condensed patching timeframe for applications interacting with untrusted content from the internet, reinforcing defence against potential exploits.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Reinvented

Evolution in MFA requirements is pivotal, with Maturity Level One now demanding ‘something users have’ alongside ‘something users know.’ This shift addresses the vulnerabilities of relying solely on passwords, extending phishing-resistant MFA options even to lower maturity levels. Aligning with global standards, organisations are now obligated to adopt advanced authentication measures, fortifying defences against real-time phishing or social engineering attacks.

Data Governance and Administrative Privileges: A Systematic Approach

Recognising the critical role of data governance, the updated model emphasises consistency in processes for privileged access to data repositories. This spans Maturity Level One through Maturity Level Three, underscoring the need for a systematic approach to manage access to sensitive data. The model now explicitly demands the identification and limitation of privileged accounts for cloud services.

Application Control and Microsoft Office Macros: Adapting to Threats

Addressing the evolving techniques of malicious actors, application control changes focus on annual reviews of rulesets. The requirement for Microsoft Office macros shifts towards using more secure V3 digital signatures at Maturity Level Three, recognising the limited benefit of collecting and analysing macro execution events.

User Application Hardening and Regular Backups: Adapting to New Realities

With Internet Explorer 11 no longer supported, organisations are required to disable or uninstall it from operating systems at Maturity Level One and Maturity Level Two. The importance of considering business criticality when prioritising backups is highlighted across all maturity levels.

Cross-Cutting Measures and Language Consistency: Strengthening the Core

The model introduces cross-cutting measures like centralising event logs for detecting potential compromise signs. It emphasises language consistency from mapped controls within the Information Security Manual (ISM), ensuring alignment and facilitating automatic ingestion of ISM’s OSCAL baselines for the Essential Eight.

Conclusion: A Resilient Cybersecurity Framework

In conclusion, the recent updates to the Australian Essential Eight Maturity Model showcase a proactive response to evolving cybersecurity challenges. The refined focus on critical patching, strengthened MFA requirements, enhanced data governance, and other strategic enhancements collectively contribute to a more resilient and adaptive cybersecurity framework for organisations in an ever-evolving threat landscape.

A full summary of the changes can be found here.

Unlocking Your Potential: The Power of Low Code Development for Non-Techies

Software development is no longer confined solely to those fluent in complex programming languages. The emergence of low code development has become a catalyst, ushering in a new era where individuals with non-technical backgrounds can actively participate and shape technological innovations.

Empowering Non-Tech Visionaries

Low code development presents an accessible gateway for individuals who possess unique visions and innovative ideas but lack traditional programming expertise. It’s a transformative tool that allows them to actualise their concepts into tangible, functional applications without the need for intricate coding knowledge.

Breaking Down Technological Barriers

One of the remarkable advantages of low code development is its ability to break through the barriers that traditionally hindered non-technical individuals from engaging in software creation. By providing intuitive interfaces and drag-and-drop functionalities, it simplifies the development process, empowering users to build, test, and deploy applications with remarkable ease.

Rapid Prototyping and Iteration

The agility of low code development expedites the prototyping and iteration stages. This rapid pace allows for quick idea validation and immediate feedback incorporation, fostering an environment conducive to innovation and evolution of ideas.

Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness

The streamlined nature of low code development significantly reduces the time and resources required for application creation. This not only accelerates the time-to-market but also minimises the financial investments typically associated with traditional software development.

Integration with Diverse Industries

The versatility of low code development transcends industry boundaries. Its adaptability makes it a valuable asset across various sectors, including healthcare, finance, education, and beyond. This adaptability ensures its relevance and applicability in solving multifaceted challenges.

The Road Ahead: Unleashing Boundless Creativity

The future of low code development holds promise, unlocking the creative potential of individuals and businesses alike. As technology continues to evolve, low code development stands as a beacon, democratising innovation and fostering a collaborative ecosystem where anyone with a vision can turn it into reality.

In conclusion, the power of low code development goes beyond mere simplification. It’s a revolutionary enabler, democratising technology and empowering non-techies to become architects of the digital future.

Are you interested in a low code solution for your next project? Contact us now to see what we can do to help.

Mastering .NET Development: Unveiling the 7 Game-Changing Secrets Every Programmer Should Know

In the dynamic realm of software development, mastering .NET is akin to holding the keys to a realm of endless possibilities. With the .NET framework’s evolution and its profound impact on the tech landscape, knowing the secrets that set the masters apart is pivotal. Here, we uncover the seven transformative insights that empower programmers to excel in .NET development.

Elevating Efficiency with Streamlined Coding Practices

Efficiency is the hallmark of a proficient .NET developer. Optimising coding practices by employing modular programming and encapsulation techniques significantly enhances productivity. Embracing SOLID principles and design patterns ensures code that’s not just functional but elegant and maintainable.

Harnessing the Power of Asynchronous Programming

Asynchronous programming proves to be a game-changer in .NET development. Utilising async/await keywords liberates applications from processing bottlenecks, ensuring responsiveness and scalability. Leveraging this feature can significantly enhance the performance of applications and user experience.

Unlocking the Potential of .NET Core

Transitioning to .NET Core opens a world of opportunities for developers. Its cross-platform capabilities and lightweight nature make it an ideal choice for modern development. Understanding the nuances of migrating and utilising the features exclusive to .NET Core is pivotal for developers aiming to stay at the forefront.

Seamless Integration of Third-Party Libraries and APIs

Harnessing the power of third-party libraries and APIs can expedite development while maintaining quality. Leveraging these resources judiciously not only saves time but also empowers developers to focus on their core functionalities, leading to a more refined end product.

Maximising Security Through Effective Implementation

In the digital age, robust security measures are non-negotiable. Understanding and implementing security measures within the .NET ecosystem, such as input validation, encryption, and secure coding practices, are imperative to safeguard applications and sensitive data.

Optimising Performance with Efficient Database Management

Efficiently managing databases is a cornerstone of high-performing applications. Utilising .NET’s advanced database management features and optimising database queries play a pivotal role in ensuring seamless application performance.

Continuous Learning and Community Engagement

Stagnation is the enemy of progress. Continuous learning and active engagement within the .NET community keep developers abreast of the latest trends and best practices. Leveraging online forums, courses, and collaborative platforms is instrumental in staying ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of .NET development.

In conclusion, mastering .NET development is not merely about writing code; it’s about unlocking its true potential. Embracing these seven game-changing secrets can elevate a programmer’s prowess, enabling them to craft innovative, efficient, and secure applications that stand out in today’s competitive tech environment.

Need .NET Developers to help make your next project a reality? Contact us now.

Matthew Willie: Data to AI Maturity

Hear from Matthew Willie, the CEO and Founder of 9X5, as he delves into the significance of data within organisations and discusses how organisations can cultivate a data-driven culture.

Device Management: Simplifying IT Asset Management for Enhanced Efficiency

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, businesses are increasingly reliant on a multitude of devices to drive their operations. From computers and smartphones to printers and IoT devices, managing this diverse array of IT assets can be a daunting task. However, with the right device management strategies in place, organisations can streamline their IT asset management processes, leading to enhanced efficiency, improved security, and cost savings.

Understanding IT Asset Management

Before diving into the specifics of device management, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of IT asset management (ITAM). ITAM encompasses the processes and policies used to manage, track, and optimise an organisation’s IT assets throughout its lifecycle. This includes procurement, deployment, maintenance, and eventual disposal or retirement of devices.

The Significance of ITAM

Effective ITAM is more than just a routine task; it’s a strategic imperative for modern businesses. Here are some key reasons why it matters:

1. Cost Control
Proper ITAM helps organisations identify underutilised assets, allowing them to make informed decisions about whether to upgrade, repurpose, or retire devices. This control over expenditures leads to cost savings.

2. Security Enhancement
In an era where cyber threats are ever-present, knowing what devices are in your network is crucial. ITAM ensures that all devices are up to date with security patches and compliance standards, reducing the risk of data breaches.

3. Improved Productivity
Efficient ITAM means less downtime due to device failures or inefficiencies. When employees have access to well-maintained devices, their productivity soars.

Simplifying Device Management

Now that we have a foundation in ITAM, let’s explore how device management simplifies this process and boosts efficiency.

1. Centralised Control
One of the primary advantages of device management is centralised control. With a robust device management system in place, administrators can remotely monitor, configure, and update devices from a single dashboard. This eliminates the need for manual interventions and reduces the risk of errors.

2. Inventory Management
Device management systems maintain an up-to-date inventory of all IT assets. This real-time visibility ensures that organisations know exactly what devices they have, where they are located, and who is using them. It helps prevent loss, theft, or misplacement of valuable assets.

3. Automated Maintenance
Routine maintenance tasks like software updates, virus scans, and system optimisations can be automated through device management. This minimises disruptions to end-users and ensures that devices are always running at peak performance.

4. Policy Enforcement
Device management allows organisations to enforce IT policies uniformly across all devices. This ensures compliance with security standards, software licensing agreements, and data protection regulations.

5. Scalability
As businesses grow, so does their IT infrastructure. Device management solutions are scalable, making it easy to accommodate new devices and users without compromising efficiency.


In today’s fast-paced business environment, effective device management is essential for optimising IT asset management processes. By centralising control, automating maintenance, and enforcing policies, organisations can enhance efficiency, improve security, and reduce operational costs.

Data Visualisation: Communicating Insights through Compelling Visuals

In today’s digital age, data has become the lifeblood of businesses across the globe. However, the sheer volume of information can be overwhelming. To make sense of this data deluge, organisations turn to data visualisation, a powerful tool that transforms complex data sets into clear, comprehensible visuals. In this article, we will explore the significance of data visualisation and how it plays a pivotal role in conveying insights effectively.

Unleashing the Potential of Data Visualisation

Data visualisation is more than just creating pretty charts and graphs. It is the art of translating raw data into visuals that tell a story. By harnessing the power of visual elements, data visualisation simplifies intricate data and enables viewers to grasp the underlying message quickly. Let’s delve into why this matters.

Enhancing Decision-Making

In the business world, informed decision-making is paramount. Data visualisation empowers decision-makers with a clear understanding of trends, patterns, and outliers. By presenting data in a visual format, it becomes easier to identify opportunities and threats, ultimately leading to smarter choices.

Engaging Stakeholders

In an era where attention spans are dwindling, captivating visuals are the key to engaging your audience. Data visualisation can transform a dull presentation into an engaging experience. It ensures that your message not only reaches your audience but also resonates with them.

Simplifying Complexity

Data can often be overwhelming, filled with numbers and statistics that seem indecipherable. Data visualisation simplifies complexity by breaking down information into digestible portions. This makes it accessible to individuals who may not have a deep understanding of the subject matter.

Promoting Transparency

Transparency is a cornerstone of trust in today’s business environment. Data visualisation allows you to present information in a transparent manner. When stakeholders can see the data and the insights it holds, it builds credibility and fosters trust.

The Elements of Effective Data Visualisation

To harness the full potential of data visualisation, it’s essential to incorporate certain elements that ensure your visuals are both impactful and informative:

Choose the Right Visualisation Type
The type of data you are working with should dictate the visualisation method you choose. Whether it’s bar charts, pie graphs, or heatmaps, selecting the appropriate format is crucial for effective communication.

Keep it Simple
Less is often more in data visualisation. Avoid cluttering your visuals with unnecessary elements. A clean and simple design will enhance the viewer’s understanding.

Use Colour Wisely
Colour can be a powerful tool, but it should be used sparingly and purposefully. Colour coding can help highlight key points or trends within your data.

Add Context
Context is vital for understanding data. Provide explanations, labels, and captions to ensure that viewers comprehend the significance of what they are seeing.


In conclusion, data visualisation is not just about creating eye-catching graphics; it’s a strategic tool for conveying insights and driving decision-making. In a world where data is abundant, the ability to transform it into meaningful visuals is a skill that can set you apart. Embrace the power of data visualisation, and you’ll find yourself not only communicating more effectively but also making better-informed decisions.

Transforming Large Enterprises with Domo

Businesses are increasingly acknowledging the strategic value of leveraging their data for decision-making. In Australia, where competitiveness and efficiency are paramount, the adoption of advanced analytics solutions is becoming a necessity, with solutions like Domo gaining prominence in the industry. In this blog post, we delve into the essential aspects of deploying Domo, specifically within the Australian market, and examine the significant advantages it can bring to organisations.

Cost Savings with Analytics Excellence

The cornerstone of any successful enterprise lies in its ability to maximise efficiency while minimising costs. Domo, with its powerful data analytics capabilities, becomes a strategic asset in achieving this delicate balance. By leveraging Domo, companies can unlock valuable insights hidden within their data, identifying areas of inefficiency, and optimising processes. This not only enhances productivity but also directly translates into substantial cost savings.

The Domo platform provides a unified and intuitive interface that enables users to easily navigate and interpret complex data sets. This simplicity in data accessibility ensures that decision-makers across various departments can leverage analytics without the need for extensive training, fostering a culture of data-driven decision-making throughout the organisation.

Breaking Geographical Barriers

In an era where businesses operate on a global scale, the location of data analytics resources should not be a limiting factor. Domo’s cloud-based architecture allows us to deploy analytics solutions seamlessly, both onshore and offshore. This flexibility not only facilitates the scalability of data analytics operations but also enables companies to tap into global talent pools.

The ability to access analytics insights from anywhere in the world ensures that key decision-makers have real-time information at their fingertips, fostering agility in responding to market changes. Domo’s on and offshore capability aligns perfectly with the dynamic needs of large enterprises operating in Australia’s diverse and competitive business landscape.

Building a Data-Literate Workforce

Successful data analytics adoption is about ensuring that the entire workforce is data-literate. We understand the importance of this and go beyond just deployment. 9X5 aspires to make entire companies data literate by providing comprehensive training programs for staff at all levels.

Our approach to staff training is tailored to the unique needs of each organisation, ensuring that employees not only understand how to use Domo but also comprehend the significance of the insights generated. This commitment to building a data-literate workforce allows organisations to fully capitalise on the potential of their data assets.

Proven Success in Australia’s Largest Companies

We have successfully implemented data and analytics solutions in some of the largest companies in Australia. Our expertise in deploying Domo has enabled our customers to unlock the full potential of their data, driving innovation and informed decision-making.

Whether it’s streamlining operations, identifying new revenue streams, or enhancing customer experiences, our team at 9X5 has been at the forefront of leveraging Domo to address the unique challenges faced by the largest of enterprises in Australia. We take pride in being a trusted partner in the data analytics journey of our clients, helping them stay ahead in an increasingly data-driven business landscape.


Deploying Domo for data analytics in large enterprise organisations in Australia is not just a strategic move; it’s a paradigm shift towards efficiency, cost savings, and a data-literate workforce.

With our proven track record and commitment to excellence, we stand ready to help organisations navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape with confidence.

Let's chat

CRM Systems: Optimising Customer Relationships for Business Success

Businesses are constantly seeking ways to enhance their operations and drive success. One crucial aspect of achieving business success is maintaining strong and lasting relationships with customers. This is where Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems come into play, revolutionising the way companies interact with their clientele.

Understanding CRM Systems

CRM systems, at their core, are powerful tools designed to streamline and optimise customer relationships. These systems empower businesses to gather, organise, and leverage customer data effectively. By doing so, they enable companies to provide personalised experiences, boost customer satisfaction, and ultimately drive growth.

Leveraging Customer Data
One of the primary functions of CRM systems is to collect and centralise customer data. This data encompasses various touchpoints, such as purchase history, communication preferences, and feedback. With this information readily available, businesses can tailor their interactions with customers, ensuring that each engagement feels individualised and meaningful.

Enhanced Communication
CRM systems facilitate seamless communication with customers across various channels. From email marketing campaigns to social media interactions, these systems enable businesses to reach their target audience at the right time with the right message. This level of precision is essential for building trust and loyalty among customers.

Improving Customer Service
Exceptional customer service is a hallmark of successful businesses, and CRM systems play a pivotal role in achieving this. These platforms enable support teams to access customer information quickly, leading to faster issue resolution and a higher level of customer satisfaction.

The Benefits of CRM Systems

Investing in a CRM system offers several advantages that can significantly impact a company’s bottom line.

1. Increased Efficiency
With CRM systems automating various tasks, such as data entry and lead nurturing, employees can focus on more strategic activities. This increased efficiency not only saves time but also reduces the risk of errors.

2. Enhanced Sales and Marketing
CRM systems empower sales and marketing teams with valuable insights into customer behaviour and preferences. This data-driven approach allows for more targeted campaigns and higher conversion rates.

3. Customer Retention
By personalising interactions and addressing customer needs promptly, businesses can foster stronger customer loyalty. A satisfied and loyal customer base is more likely to continue doing business with a company, leading to sustained revenue growth.

Implementing CRM Successfully

While CRM systems offer immense potential, their success depends on proper implementation.

1. Set Clear Objectives
Before adopting a CRM system, businesses should define clear objectives. Whether it’s improving customer service, increasing sales, or enhancing marketing efforts, having specific goals in mind will guide the implementation process.

2. Employee Training
Ensuring that employees are well-versed in using the CRM system is crucial. Comprehensive training programs can help staff members maximise the system’s capabilities, resulting in better outcomes.

3. Data Quality
Maintaining accurate and up-to-date customer data is essential for the system to work effectively. Regularly audit and clean your database to avoid errors and inaccuracies.

4. Continuous Evaluation
CRM is not a one-time solution but an ongoing process. Regularly evaluate its performance and make necessary adjustments to align with changing customer needs and market dynamics.

Final Thoughts

In a competitive business landscape, optimising customer relationships is paramount to achieving success. CRM systems provide the necessary tools to streamline operations, enhance communication, and improve customer service. By embracing these systems and following best practices in their implementation, businesses can foster lasting customer relationships and drive sustained growth.